Saturday, April 28, 2007

A Life in the Day (6)

Shalom. :) back
There are times I wish I were younger.........but hey , I can't dance in the clouds forever! lol lol
Now, where was I ? ? ? .......................................... BAD ANSWER............., right .
After Her initial SHOCK, I then preceded to Beat her hand with my face , I scratched her nails with my flesh , (BOY, I WAS GETTING TO HER!), then I pummeled her racking hands with my shirt! (a left ! a right!), I could hear her tiring! I beat her arms and fists with my body! (1 , 2!),, but why is it that after I had gotten the best of her I felt so "beaten"? .
I was sent home directly after the confrontation in disgrace. I took the back paths home so as to stay out of the ways of the neighborhood street gangs of the then acceptable south L.A. neighborhoods! (did I mention that I was a short fat Jewish kid IN A PREDOMINATELY LATIN , CATHOLIC neighborhood?)
I walked the 5 or 6 miles home to find myself at the front door of our house, where my mother answered the door . She then upon looking at my bloodied face and clothes , proceeded to utter a single word," BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!"and disjointedly fell on the floor, pasted out , arms akimbo, legs splayed out in a very un-motherly like manner.
Being a kid of 9? or however old one is in the 5'th grade, I did what all kids did at that time from what they have seen on T V . I ran to the fridge and grabbed a pitcher of Lemonade and threw it ALL on her! (to wake her up of course). That wasn't the best choice I found out later.......
When she had awakened, (not yet noticing that she was drenched in lemonade) , she asked me what had happened to me to look this way, (bloodied face and bleeding ears, ripped school shirt). As I told her , the expression on her face changed from incredibility to anger , which I misinterpreted as directed to me. I was then told to go to my room and NOT to clean or wash my face! she was going to call GOD! , (my father), at work immediately! As I dragged myself to my room, ( I was a dead man((inject boy.))walking!) Once there , I sought the Only understanding and totally accepting friend I had cockerspaniel puppy, NUNIE! (don't ask! who knows what craziness lurks in the mind of a 9 year old kid when choosing his puppies name?).

E S D.

Friday, April 27, 2007

A Life in the Day (5)

In a hurry, just got home from first job, gotta go to the second one. will write if I'm not too tired when I get home tonite.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Monday, April 23, 2007

A Life in the Day (3)

Well , where to start? My Father was a paragon of virtue, (the typical FATHER KNOWS BEST image), He would come into the living room from work and sweep my mother in an embrace to lean her back and kiss her with all his heart! (And I WAS ALLOWED TO BE A PART OF THIS!), OH FARDGIOUS DAY KALOO- KALAY.............(this really does have a bearing on the rest of the stories. lol ). He would pull out her chair at the dinner table for Pete's' sake! The man was a paragon of virtue AND CHIVALRY, insisting on the quest of knowledge! I basked in his shadow ! At any rate , the sun rose and set with His wakefulness and sleep , for both my mother and I . At my BARMITZFA , instead of money , I was given books. BOOKS of all things! BOOKS over MONEY!!!!! I was over joyed!!! :) My first was "THE COMMENTARIES OF CESAR" . the second was" CYRANO de BERGERAC". I've read the first at least once every 5 yrs. , the second 2/3 times a year. Need I say that I too am a romantic? lol .. The GOD, (my Father) insisted that I learn about Nature and Her children, in all aspects. I did as the RABBI, (my Father ) said. Hell, Euell Gibbons was rite up there with SUPERMAN Comic Books!! and the Encyclopedia Britannica , (thank you Mickey mouse clubhouses JIMMINY CRICKET!)!!!!!!!!!All this is leading up to the fact that my Father always treated me as His child with an adult mind. On Shabes He and I would sit at the dinning room table and discuss philosophy , religion and the construction of my roller skated , 2x4 , apple crate scooter.
Being as how we had to live in L.A. for the next year,(did I SAY THAT MY Father WAS A COOPERATE INTERPRETER? if He had a job over 6 months on 1 coast or the other He would move the family with Him. He had the ability to speak 26 tongues , and being a Jew from Europe during the war and doing the same for European corporations there He was of value to the German Nazis' Machine for the cooperate knowledge He held in His mind .............He fled or we would not be here today.).and there were no Hebrew schools around , I was placed in a Catholic school , one , naw , many steps above Public schools.
Anyway , one day in Catechism class in the 5'th grade, THE NUN! Sister Mary Lua aka.THE KILLER WHALE ! asked me to go to the head of the class and give my take on jesus the christ,(KNOWING that I was JEWISH! ), I did with all innocents. she asked me again,in a loud voice,"and what do you think of jesus christ?", and I replied, "you mean that good JEWISH boy gone bad?"............................WRONG ANSWER!.................

A Life in the Day (2)

Hello, My name is Legion, I say that because I have worn Many hats in my day.One would think that the best place to begin is at the beginning, but hey, I say what the hell, lets start at the beginning! What a concept!"
It started in 1940, on a dark and lonely night" .....................................naw, that's been used. Scratch that!
"It was the best of times , it was the worst of times" ....................crap , that ones' been used to!..............merde! How bout this one ?
" I was born a poor black child " shit, thats a bad one also ,
I was born a short , fat , dorky Jewish kid and I popped out of my Mothers womb the first of 3 issues and the only issue of my Fathers loin. (more on that conundrum later.)
My upbringing was that of a standard Jewish boy in a loving Jewish home,(albeit my mother and Father were matched in Europe at the ages of 3-she, 4-he, they met at the ages of 7 -he, and 6-she, and they married at the ages of 14-he, 13-she. AND they fell in Love! rather romantic , no? oh , did I say that I'm the [product of a Spanish-Jewish mother and a Italian-Jewish Father?SEPHARDIC,] odd combination but great for conversation in the kitchen! )Here I must set my premises! I work 3 jobs to attain MY GOAL! more on that later. after all that is what THIS BLOG is leading up In the future I shall say "IT'S TIME FOR ME TO GO TO WORK AND END THIS SOCIAL DISCOURSE" by typing "E S D ", until I get off work and am back at the keys!SHALOM FOR NOW.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

A Life in the Day (1)

This is a test run after SO many attempts! If this gets posted for more then 1 day? then ok.
forthcoming will be the Life and times of ............ME! lol
As a mater of fact, if anyone can just leave a comment or reply? then I'll know for sure that I've mastered "posting".